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  • +91 991 703 8919, +91 991 745 9150
  • Dudhaheri Road, Khanupur, Mill Mansurpur, Muzaffarnagar(U.P.) 251203

Attendance and Punctuality

  1. Students must be punctual; they should arrive at the school 5 minutes before the first bell for assembly.
  2. It is compulsory for every student to complete 75% attendance. This percentage can be relaxed on medical grounds.
  3. All students must attend school on the first three days of the opening of school in April and July. If a student remains absent on these days without any prior application, he/she will be deemed to have been withdrawn and the seats thus fallen vacant will be allotted to the students in the waiting list
  4. If a student remains on leave, the application must be signed by the father/mother of the student. If the leave asked for is on the ground of sickness and is more than a week, a medical certificate must be attached.
  5. Reported absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than five consecutive days renders the students liable to have his / her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only on payment of a fresh admission fee.