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  • +91 991 703 8919, +91 991 745 9150
  • Dudhaheri Road, Khanupur, Mill Mansurpur, Muzaffarnagar(U.P.) 251203


MDS VIDYA MANDIR INTER COLLEGE provides a plethora of opportunities to students to express themselves and excel in their chosen field. There are clubs varying from book club to eco club. Students can choose from the range of activities. A student is able to reach beyond the textbook and explores the world of science. A student can decide on any topic that she/ he would like to explore. The aim of this programme is to give students as many experiences as possible, develop skills and knowledge that may be useful in the future and interests that they can enjoy higher up the school. Some currently active clubs are: 

(1) BOOK CLUB: Book Club is a reading group for those students who read and talk about books based on a topic or agreed-upon reading list. The authors and varieties of books are made familiar to students through this club. 

(2) COOKERY CLUB: This is a club activity in which the students are taught non-gas cooking. They are inspired to think innovatively with the given ingredients and also taught the importance of healthy food in their diet. They make specific vitamin or iron-rich diets, drinks, and snacks that are healthy and yet tempt children of their own age. The students understand the role of the presentation of their recipes and they come up with very innovative and attractive ideas. 

(3) DANCE CLUB: Dance Club makes the hobby of dancing into a professional style of dancing. Students and teachers compose and perform new dance forms. The club aims at group choreography which fosters teamwork, communication, trust, and cooperation. It helps to nurture important life skills, such as discipline and focus. 

(4) DEBATE CLUB: The Debate Club provides a useful training ground for the development of the young students’ communicative abilities. It also creates a mindset in the students to make them people who instead of just accepting everything, question it, and thus help them to survive in this cut-throat world. 

(5) DRAWING & PAINTING CLUB: The club recognizes the enthusiasm towards art. Art Club is a place where students can practice the arts and hone their individual skills from mixed mediums to watercolor and traditional oil painting. Wall paintings on Thematic Designs and Landscape Art, Light and Shadow are some exclusive topics of MDSVM Art Club. 

(6) ECO CLUB: Eco Club will empower students to participate and take up meaningful environmental activities and projects. It is a forum through which students can reach out to influence, and engage their parents and neighborhood communities to promote sound ecological behavior. 
The main objectives of the Eco Club are:
•    to motivate the students to know the environment
•    to create awareness on water conservation
•    to promote the ethos of conservation of various species of flora, fauna and soil etc.
•    to induce the students to create awareness among public – at local level and the locality
•    to sensitize the students to appreciate the rich bio-diversity of our country

(7) ENGLISH LITERARY CLUB: English Literary Club plays a big role in bringing English out of the traditional mould of the curriculum to the arena of creativity and imagination. The activities of the club include literary competitions like debates and declamation in the inter class, inter house and inter school levels. Spelling games like Spell Bee, Crossword puzzles, poetry writing, storytelling, building word chains, weaving stories around pictures, designing book jackets are some of the activities which span all classes. 

(8) FIRST AID CLUB: The First Aid Club the main aim of this club is to provide first – aid during all school activities such as sports day, annual day and regular school sessions. The members of this club are trained to administer first-aid to the injured depending on the type of injury minor or major. They are then able to train their fellow classmates, family members on the art of first-aid. They are trained with simulated situations like burns, cuts, fracture, sprain etc. 

(9) FITNESS CLUB: This club is an attempt towards ensuring the well-being and continuation of a healthy body and mind. Physical fitness helps students with better body awareness, self-control, relaxation, concentration, flexibility, and coordination. 

(10)HINDI LITERARY CLUB: Hindi Literary Club is the Hindi counterpart of English Literary club. Srijan bring the language to the students and the members of this club are active in promoting the national language – Hindi. Competitions for students as well as teachers are organized on Hindi Divas. The club members have a bulletin board where they display their creative work.  Through the activities of the club, the students are able to enhance their literary and language skills by learning to - describe pictures, build stories around pictures, weave stories with proverbs, write letters and notices etc. 

(11) MATHS WIZARD CLUB: Mathemagic, the Maths Club is not only for Maths enthusiasts, but also for students who think of maths as a difficult subject. The club creates interest in Maths through interesting and innovative activities for various classes. Here is a glimpse of the activities:

 §    Posters on Mathematical concepts
§    Geometric designs using string art 
§    Collage on application of Maths in real life
§    Models on Rotational Symmetry        
§    Quiz Role Play of Mathematicians of the World               
§    Symposium
§    Portfolios on Mathematicians           
§    Interview with mathematicians
§    Group Discussion
§    Time line Charts on Mathematicians      
§    Reports on ‘My favorite Mathematician.

(12) MUSIC CLUB: The aim of this club is to bring together promising musical talent and showcase their talent. Music Club provides ample opportunities for students to learn vocal and instrumental.  

(13) QUIZ CLUB: The mission of the Quiz Club is to encourage and empower young minds towards innovative alternate thinking and the quest for intelligence. Weekly quizzes based on newspaper reading, is an active assignment of this club. 

(14) SANSKARSHALA CLUB :Sanskarshala club has been initiated to give value-based education to our students. It organizes sessions to teach discipline and culture among the students. Almost all the students of the college attend the sessions in turn. The aim of this club is to build a new generation with honest and strong ethical values and to develop skills in articulating values. 

(15) SCIENCE CLUB: Science Club is organized to give students a stage where they can do as many projects and research as possible and present themselves from anything to everything in a crowd with full confidence. Through this club, we teach them that teamwork and hard work is the only way to succeed. 

(16) SCOUTS CLUB: Scouts and Guides are created for the formation of character and sound health habits. The club is training in handicrafts and acquiring useful skills, and it cultivates a proper spirit of service efficiently. The pursuit of this aim leads to the development of good citizenship, among boys and girls. 

(17)SPORTS CLUB: (Indoor and outdoor games)
 A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. School provides an accordant platform of infusing a spirit of sportsmanship in its pupils through various indoor and outdoor sports activities such as cricket, badminton, carom, chess, skating, Yoga, Kho-Kho, Basketball etc.

(18) TECH & INTELLECT CLUB: One of the most coveted clubs; it provides an opportunity for the students to learn advanced technology in computers. This club is an ideal place for young students brimming with creative sense. It enhances the skills of talented students and provides a platform for expressing their knowledge of computers.

(19)THE YOGA CLUB: Yoga is discipline of the mind, body and soul which is much needed for the students’ mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. The Yoga club trains the students in the yogic practices of asanas and meditation to improve concentration. The students are trained in different asanas and also Suryanamaskar. Interesting facts about yogas and physical fitness are periodically updated in a bulletin board by the club members.