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  • +91 991 703 8919, +91 991 745 9150
  • Dudhaheri Road, Khanupur, Mill Mansurpur, Muzaffarnagar(U.P.) 251203

Transport Rules

  1. No student will be permitted to board the school bus if not attired in a proper school uniform.
  2. Students to reach the bus stop 5 minutes prior to the arrival of the school bus. Buses will not wait for latecomers.
  3. Parents to escort students to and fro from the bus stop.
  4. Students are advised not to board the bus unless it halts, not to move around or lean out of the bus, run after the bus, travel on the footboard, or litter the bus.
  5. Unruly behavior, shouting, shrieking or an undisciplined act is strictly prohibited and will lead to discontinuance of school transport.
  6. No student shall be allowed to use the school bus one way.
  7. Students must travel on routes allotted to them. No change in route is allowed unless given in writing.
  8. The Bus In-charge and Bus Monitor are responsible for maintaining discipline in the bus.
  9. The drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stops. The list of stops is prepared to keep in the convenience of all and no diversion or extension will be entertained on existing routes.
  10. In case a child wishes to withdraw from the bus facility at least one month’s notice should be given. However, for students using bus facilities, there will be no withdrawal of bus facilities in the last quarter.
  11. Any change in the locality does not entitle the child to use the bus unless permission is granted by the school authorities. A written application about the same should be given in the school.
  12. Any damage caused to the bus will be viewed seriously and a suitable penalty shall be imposed on the erring student.
  13. In case of any kind of problem or complaint regarding the school bus or staff, the same should be reported to the school authorities.
  14. The school management will not take any responsibility whatsoever for any damage or injury which may be sustained by the student as a result of an accident or unforeseen incident either in the school premises or in conveyance provided by the school or in any other manner.